Sir E.J. Drury II
Sir EJ Drury II

"When a soldier wants to commit suicide, he really doesn’t want to kill his physical being. He wants to kill an image of himself that no longer suits him." — Sir E.J. Drury II

Suicide Prevention: If you need immediate help for yourself, a family member, or a friend, there’s a hotline and a lot of resources here.

Veterans Crisis Line connects Veterans in crisis, their families and friends with qualified, caring Department of Veterans Affairs responders through a confidential toll-free hotline, online chat, or text.

War and the Soul: Healing Our Nation’s Veterans from Post-traumatic Stress Disorder by Edward Tick, Ph.D. In war’s overwhelming violence, the soul—the true self—flees and can become lost for life. Tick redefines PTSD as a true identity disorder. Drawing on world spiritual traditions, he presents ways to nurture a positive identity based in compassion and forgiveness. He shows how to make the wounded soul whole again. When this work is achieved, the effects of PTSD vanish allowing the vet to truly return home.

Sacred Mountain: Encounters With the Vietnam Beast A deeply healing book about the therapist, a Vietnam war resister, and his experiences treating Vietnam vets that addresses the horror of the war itself, and the ambiguity with which the returning vets were greeted. Its message is about the spiritual transformation that can occur out of this experience.

Warrior's Return: Restoring the Soul After War Warrior's Return presents a powerful vision for changing the way we welcome veterans back from service. It builds on Ed Tick's visionary work in War and the Soul to detail a comprehensive approach to healing the soul wounds of war. Rich with lessons drawn from cross-cultural wisdom, mythical archetypes, and proven methods from psychology, it is an invaluable resource to help families, caregivers, and returning veterans understand and cope with the life-changing effects of combat.



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